International from 2004
An Award-Wining International Performing Arts Training Center Promoting
Multidisciplinary Dance & Theatre of India, Nepal & USA in Dallas Fortworth Texas, USA
972 979 2559
Grace And Grooves® Corp By Hetal Nagaraj
grace & grooves
Fun With Fundamentals©
Launched in 1994 as drama artist. Estd. 1999. Regd 2012
Current Leadership : Hetal Nagaraj. (2010-Current)
About our artistic director Hetal Nagaraj in brief :
Hetal Nagaraj was launced as drama artist in 1994 in India. (Academic Year : 93 - 94).
She was Estd. independent artist :1999 @age of 19 - first batch. This was right after her full training/internships & successful show contributions under her teachers.
In 2004, she moved to the USA and continued her journey with Indian Folk Dances by curriculum and freelance classical dances for youth/college students.
She re-launched herself in 2004 - 2005 in USA. (and launched Reachh Mediaa in USA)
- By 2010, she started branding her performances under the names: Hetal Nagaraj, Grace And Grooves and finally registered the company in 2012.
- Since then, the company has shown massive growth even with once-a-week class by genre & program exclusively with 7 locations exclusively under her with over 98% involvement, local to Dallas-Fortworth, Texas, USA. More about hetal's performing arts trainings.
**Hetal Nagaraj has 50+ specializations in multiple fields (including Indian performing arts) and has shown results in all of them** More about her : www.hetaln.com
Overall Growth under the leadership & 99% involvement of Hetal Nagaraj was achieved with 4 hrs each on Saturday & Sunday for teaching. In 2019, she took performing arts activities as a full timer offering classes throughout the week & weekend w/staff & moved to freelance consultant services in other fields:
1. Hetal Nagaraj is Guru-instructor & leader in the follow genres :
Indian Folk Dance Guru (from 1999: 100s of graduates, national n international level now).
Indian Classical Dance Guru from 2014 only (now has the first set of graduates, some national as well as international for Bharatanatyam, Chhau, Kalaripayattu). Asst. from 1999 for Bharatanatyam first set of Bharatanatyam graduates.
Bollywood-Cinema teacher/guru from 2014 (now have national level students teaching Bollywood) & Several Recreational Level Students that learn-just for fun classes/seasonal classes.
Hiphop from 2013, 2015 & 2018 (City Level students). Recreational + Elites. For Public from 2019 onwards. Collaborations started in 2010.
Contemporary from 2014. Recreational, Elites Only. 2019 for public.
Theater Guru from 2009.
2. Hetal Nagaraj is The First & Only One To Offer :
A successful Bollywood/Tollywood dance program with a full set of graduates, theory, drama and they are teaching independent classes w/her.
Bharatanatyam dance program focused on margam dances with ragam thalam, recitation and nattuvangam.
Kalaripayattu & Mayurbhanj Chhau Dance & Martial Arts with FULL curriculum from 2016, for dance and martial arts.
In the entire USA to offer all the programs with 100% straight background.
Indian Folk Dances with full theory & by genre production showcases separating Lok Nruthya from stage-folk dances.
3. Total Number of Graduates :
By 2024 March, Hetal Nagaraj has more than 150 dance genre and program graduates in indian folk dances, bharatanatyam, kalaripayattu, musical, drama and hiphop just in DFW-Texas, she has 100s of Graduates(USA, India & London) and have taught 3500+ students all over in India and USA with curriculum, level & by-genre. Exact number to be determined as certificates endorsed vs registrations are to be determined.
185 couple-marriage private/package/programs-classes.
4. Workshops, Lecture, Demonstrations : 224 as of 2024 May
Hetal Nagaraj has offered various dance Workshop Programs to 50 to 2000 students - at a time, in DFW-Texas, USA in Indian Folk, Festival Folk Dances, Bharatanatyam Intro Classes, Fusion Classical Dances, Yoga-Dance Projects, Kalari & Bharatanatyam, Chau & Bharatanatyam, Kalari & Bollywood/Tollywood with/without Hiphop in Dallas-Fortworth-Texas-USA.
Hetal Nagaraj has offered more than 40 workshops in Dance by Genre, Fitness & Wellness.
5. Brands under Hetal Nagaraj exclusive ownership :
Hetal owns 38+ brands as of March 2024 exclusively.
Company offers variety of dance and performing arts-programs for all ages from extra -curricular/recreational/competitive/ISD supporting performing arts/college-credits/competitive, competition programs, Indian martial arts, artist management, media/commercial photography-videography, amateur artist & youth/teenager’s development, international faculty management, hourly professional dances and fitness programs.
6. Scholarship Programs :
We take pride & honor-(both) of being the only institute/school that offers curriculum-based programs accepted all over the world in several universities.
Tried and Tested exclusively including some who received scholarships in various programs with her trainings-guidance. See our news.
7. Artist Mangement by Genre & Modeling by Genre :
In 2020, Hetal Nagaraj acquired Reachh Mediaa - A Media Management Company.
By 2021, she became the only dance teacher that has over half a dozen performing artists, by genre, at Reachh Mediaa since 2013. By 2024, more than 22 artists.
8. Commercial - Videography & Photography :
Hetal created opportunities for over 15 highschoolers, interns, amateur-artists for Grace-Effect-Media-Teams in 2014 for their-school-credits.
More than 117 Shoots are done in this activity for various submissions.
9. Non Profit Activites | Fundraisers - 28 exclusive non profits adopted :
In 2016, Hetal Nagaraj created platform for 50+ amateur-artists by providing them audience, knowledge-skills & fix them in dance, modeling, shoots, costumes, earn-learn-programs in Texas All Star Talents as Non-Profit activities.
More about our non-prifit acitivites & adopted projects: Read More.
10. Dance Events & International Artists :
Hetal took over Dhamaal Events in 2017 and by 2021, she showed success streak of Dhamaal Events Workshops for exclusive International Artists often known as dancer’s paradise in DFW.
10 workshops held in DFW, under the leadership and supervision of Hetal Joshi M from Bharatanatyam, Festival Folk Dances, Folk Dances, Bollywood & Hiphop!
11. Dance Production Lines :
Hetal Nagaraj created 3 different dance production lines for LIVE shows for Indian Dances itself with 65+ her-own students & separate recitals.
Apart from her own students, her choreographers, interns and invited artists contribute to her shows with full credits! See here.....
12. Youngest Independent Choreographers & Graduates:
Hetal Nagaraj is the only dance teacher to have youngest set of graduates teaching independently, by genre, at age of 13, 15, & 16 years and showing results!
Hetal Nagaraj broke her own record for starting her journey at 19.
These graduates are also First Ones to be national level dancers by genre in competitions or events with strict technique-focused-curriculum rules, level, age, non-voting, judges with 100% straight-background or PHDs.
Endless list of graduates , internship trainings and program offerings : Click Here.
13. Graduates With International Awards :
In 2020, her graduates/elites/national level students started winning international awards for their accomplishments in dance & some w/required Non-Dance merits too. ALL Non-Voting-Non-Competition-strictly by submitting skills/clips/videos/shoots or accomplishment-certificates/proof.
14. Awards, Competition Awards & Nominations:
2022, Hetal bagged 32 awards in non-voting events of Indian Dance Competitions to non-voting culture/leadership/inspiring awards in 1st 3 prizes for: IndianFolkDances, Moviedances, Bharatanatyam, Kalaripayattu, Chaau, Fusion, Culture, Leadership, StudentAwards - Strictly by rules-Genre/Curriculum/Technique Focused/Creative/Recreational, Competition Rules/ by Choreography & costume guidelines as well as her guru(s) original art-works.
Hetal Nagaraj is also winner of 5 international awards herself-for culture, women-youth-upbringing, business & performing arts. See all of Ms. Hetal's awards listed here.
15. Performances by Genre, Solo, Group, Paid & Unpaid :
Hetal performs every year, 3 to 4 performances in her own shows itself in DFW-Texas, except for March to Dec 2020 due to Covid when lockdown happened.
From 1999-2020, she has performed over 150+ performances, a minimum, by genre in her OWN shows or events organized by her or her OWN teachers in USA & India.
Other 150+ performances for outside shows/events/culture events with minimum of 2 to 3 of those events per year.
This totals to 333+ dances in Solo(s) & Group/Paid and Unpaid Projects.
In 2021, she went LIVE with her 7th arangetram with international audience over Zoom & Youtube Invite LIVE.
All of above events are purely institutional, educational, non-profit and non-commercial events or if classical then purely margam items.
16. Wholesale Costume Supplier :
More than 10 dance schools in her networks have bought costumes from Ms. Hetal's own brand as of 2021. It goes in her own name.
Bharatanatyam, Bollywood, Indian Folk Dances & Fusion Designer Wear for High End Competitions or Events. Min order :12 costumes/sets, or min 2000$ billing of products.
More about Ms. Hetal's fabric and textile background : See here.
17. Hetal's Own Experience in Performing Arts :
Along with her full trainings & with full internships of 25+ years in Indian Performing Arts (from 1994) & 37 years of experience(from 1984), she specializes in non-indian performing arts too. See here.
Hetal is also a certified trainer from Ahmedabad Management Association (IIM Atira-Wing, Company Employee Program) with FULL scholarship & internships. This training and leadership certification is an internaitonal grade certification that does not expire. Read here.
Hetal has gifted herself/her family/students/teachers and everybody around her with above achievements along with several knowledge & job opportunities.
18. Record Breaking Success of Non-Voting Indian Dance Competitions :
( by genre, regional, state, national & international)
Over a decade of non-stop awards in non-voting Indian Dance Competitions in Indian Folk Dances, Bharatanatyam, Bollywood/Tollywood and Fusion by Year/Level.
All our dance programs are certified by Master Faculties from India and have some of the best universities curriculum(s) that do not require any approval of authentication due to extensive research and degrees in Indian Performing Arts that our choreographers pursue or already have.
19. Clarity :
We, ourselves are eligible to open as school / university & soon we will.
We are on our way to that too with the type of clarity in recreational classes by genre & style and with once a week class!
Strictly level by level skills-class education!
20. Outside Company - Collaborations & Partnerships :
Collaborated with various artists on stage / off-stage for various performing arts showcases/shows/competitions & events : indian and non-indian - Both!
Record Breaking collabs with more than 12 artists & 3 Dance companies - all legal.
See one of the brand that was result of collab , all under exclusive Ms. Hetal.
21. Theater Props & Drama - Sets Supplier:
More than 6 Sets/Prop-Theater Designs sold in her networks. Ms. Hetal makes them!
Specialization listed here - Coming Soon!
22. Employment & Trainings for Performing & Non-Performing Arts :
Trained women/men/graduates from all walks of life to be independent.
Generated opportunities / positions such as administrative, social-media intern, coordinator, IT-interns, OPT-candidates & fresh graduates in performing arts for full time, part time, w2, contract as well non-profit volunteer positions.
Hetal is Certified Trainer from IIM-AMA & more than 50 specialialities. (www.hetaln.com)
23. Sponsorships by Hetalnagaraj :
Record breaking sponsorships till date reaching to 100K$ & 2600+hours of community hours. Read More.
24. Number of Events under Hetal Nagaraj:
Independent Events as of April 10, 2022 successfully under Hetal Nagaraj Dance, Hetal Joshi M : 18. (Min 3 hrs). Total Programs/Events prepared/planned : 26.
8 events cancelled with full refunds - due to emergency situations(Covid-2020).
More about these events : https://wp.me/p7EbkV-1zy
25. Number of Music Mixes Sold :
On March 9, 2022 Hetal Nagaraj sold her 3500th music mix! Her 3500th music was a bollywood mix with latin beats for a client.
Hetal specialies in music compositions, re-composititon from broken records, music mixes, adding/removing music/beats, pitch and tempo adjustments, commercial writing, poetry and lyrics engagement in music for industry. She specializes in music with full trainings of music-board and various apps as well.
This includes music making without disturbing the ragam and thalam for classical dances, music compositions & recompositions for folk categories and genres, hiphop, contemporary and many more! This work is not the medley work that all dance schools do :). The Difference. All her music re-compositions or compositions fall in category of *no copyrights found* on youtube.
This is how we are able to re-create music/songs by genre for our genre competitions!
Very soon, these tracks will be available for purchases on our websites for other dance schools and teachers at a very affordable price.
Platform name coming up soon!!!
26. Private Group Enrollments (Choreo & Group Lessons):
Learn, Perform & Graduate together. Either by choreography or by curriculam.
By April 30, 2022 : Company booked it's 156th group class and Ms. Hetal booked her 151th group. All of these by genre setting a record in world of performing arts.
27. Parties & Event Host :
More than 25 private event workshops for Bharatanatyam, Indian Folk Dances Introduction, Festival Folk Dances, Bollywood, Tollywood, Introduction to Classical Dances, Rabindra Nruthya, Fusion and Semi-Classical as well as Yoga Infused workshops (other than the educational workshops above), by genre as party hosting services with atleast 300 people, exclusively by Hetal Joshi M.
28. Couples & Marriage Packages (By Genre) :
More than 185 couples and marriage packages sold by Hetal Nagaraj alone because of Hetal's own speciality in Latin Couple Dances and Bollywood Marriage Package Dances.
Packages sold : Bharatanatyam, Folk Dances, Festival Folk, Bollywood, Tollywood, Fusion Classes for fully trained dancers, Ballroom, Salsa, Waltz, and Hiphop Couples.
29. Other Achievements exclu by each program, activity, by genre & category :
Social Media Stats without a single reel.
Activities other than annual dance programs and rec classes.
30. 22 Lecture Demonstrations, Research, Thesis delivered successfuly with a subject matter and a hands onn demonstrations by each genre, category & as requested.
31. Design, Develop, Create & Approve Seo/SEM-Social Media Marketing, Blog Maintenance, Website Development & Digital Analytics under the leadership & 98% participation. Successfully drove 150 artist management campaigns throughout Texas, California, Kansas, Missouri, Michigan, New York, New Jersey, Canada, London, Dubai-UAE, Mumbai & Hyderabad through strategic tie-ups.
32. Design, Create, Order, Supply & Maintain Performing Arts Inventory in a budget. One of the highest whole seller of ethnic supplier for clothing & inventory in Dallas Fortworth, Canada & California. Most of which mfg in USA, Dallas Texas.
33.All the other accomplishments by albums are posted on this link and some with clips.
34. Producer of all Grace and Grooves.
More about Hetalnagaraj at www.hetaln.com | www.graceandgrooves.com
How we do it :
We do it all - with absolutely straight background & transparency.
We offer extra-curricular programs, recreational programs, ISD supporting performing arts programs, college credits, competitive/competition programs for those interested in competition trainings, hourly based professional dance programs and a few fitness related programs.
All our dances come with exclusive curriculum and are accepted all over the world and several universities.
We know the drill from dance, curriculam, terms, techniques, choreography by audience, costumes, stage to makeup and lot more!

Theater Classes
Theatre Classes
Recreational Classes
Langauge Classes
Kathak Classes
Hiphop Classes
Drama Classes
Indian Martial Arts Classes
Seperate Competition Classes
Grace Creations Fusion Dance Company
Texas All Star Talents
Mayurbhanj And Purulia Chhau
The Grace Effects

Mirchi Dance Academy
Bollywood Tollywood
Movie/Cinematic/Filmy Dances
In ALL Languages

Grace And Grooves is honored to be the only Indian Dance School
with straight/transparent background for all the programs offered with straight legacy of their guru(s) and teachers.
At Grace And Grooves own in-person/physical locations (exclusively with Hetal Nagaraj itself ), our students are celebrating their 250th, 450th hour Bollywood, 350th or 400th hour in Indian Folk Dances (once week), 150th hour in Kalaripayattu, for some the journey has began and are about to complete their 100th hour & some at 500th hour in Bharatanatyam(some twice week) & the history continues.
A lot of these have achieved their national level in performing arts!
Students with 1000+ hours of Bharatanatyam have completed their Arangetram online or in-person or LIVE. Check Our Graduates Our Diploma & Master Level Graduates.
That is just our own owner's Hetal contribution and capacity with results + Choreographers teach

Indian dance lessons for everybody !
Kids Ages 5+, 8+, 10+, 13+, Teens, & Adults..
Competitions ALL Age Groups
Only After Completion of Trainings..

It is an Honor To Be The Only Indian Dance Institute With Straight/Transparent Background Of Indian Performing Arts & Degrees.